datatables with webpack $.fn.dataTable undefined 您所在的位置:网站首页 webpack mode datatables with webpack $.fn.dataTable undefined

datatables with webpack $.fn.dataTable undefined

#datatables with webpack $.fn.dataTable undefined | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Well, I don't really know. I am a PHP dev, and I hate JS and it's weird behaviour. I am really forced to use it and loose patience very rapidly with it. But I love DataTables, and use it for years now. That thing, Webpack Encore, is a curse for us PHP developpers.

What I understood, is that Webpack Encore uses yarn in place of npm, so maybe the packages names are different. I also found that on a blank Symfony 4 project, DataTables works fine. But on my project, the only way I found to make it work is by redefining the $.fn.dataTable thing. and if i try to use plugins with it, they craches.

It is so frustrating to copy-paste obscur things found on the web and not understand why it would work or why it wouldn't. Having globals, not-so-globals, and maybe-globals variables ... For me JS is not a programming anguage. It isn't even build by the ones that specifies it. Each browsers make their own JS engine, respecting or not the specs ... It couldn't and shouldn't work.






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